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On Sept. 10th ACYOA Juniors held their first meeting of the season. It was heartwarming to see most of our youth gather together and come up with great ideas and plans for the upcoming season. We express our appreciation to Tamar Donikyan who will be the ACYOA Juniors’ adviser this year. We invite all Juniors ages 13-18 to join our group and participate in the upcoming events.

On October 21st we gathered at Brae Burn Country Club of Purchase, NY to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the formation of St. James Armenian community and the 25th anniversary of the consecration of our beloved St. Gregory the Enlightener Armenian Church. By the grace of our Lord half a century ago our community members came together to establish our wonderful parish in the heart of Westchester County.

As we assembled together to celebrate these milestone anniversaries, we recognized and honored the commitment of our past Parish Council chairs for their tireless and exceptional work of leading our Parish over the years. Their leadership has assuredly kept our parish, as our dear friend and former Parish Council chair Zaven Tachdjian of blessed memory used to say, “as a well-oiled machine”. 

We had a strong turnout for our anniversary celebration, which included parishioners, guest priests and friends of St. Gregory. We were honored to have the Primate, His Grace Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan, preside over the banquet. The evening featured remarks by Richard Papalian (Master of Ceremonies), Elizabeth Shaghalian Vranka and Dawn Papalian (Banquet Co-Chairs), Rev. Fr. Karekin Kasparian (former pastor) and Rev. Fr. Mesrob Hovsepyan (current pastor). We also welcomed the Mayor of White Plains Tomas Roach who addressed our congregation with his congratulatory remarks.

Banquet guests also enjoyed a crowd-pleasing performance by the Shushi dance ensemble. At the conclusion of the program Bishop Mesrop shared his remarks and extended his blessings upon all attendees. It was a wonderful evening filled with high spirits and happy recollections, as it brought together many of our parishioners from near and far. 

We are thankful for the work of our banquet committee members who planned the beautiful anniversary celebration, which has provided a joyful start to yet another chapter of our church history.