St. Gregory’s annual picnic was held on September 24, which ended up being a very rainy day! The rain did not deter the St. Gregory community, however, from celebrating our Armenian heritage and culture. Thanks to our beautiful church complex and the ingenuity and determination of our picnic team, we were able to have a wonderful “indoor picnic” with all the traditional Armenian food and music that our community enjoys and has come to expect at this cherished annual event.
Despite the weather, we had a strong turnout, with guests enjoying delicious Armenian food prepared by the Women’s Guild and Men’s Club. Grill Teams did an exceptional job improvising their grilling locations so they could stay dry and perfectly grill lamb, chicken and luleh kebobs and vegetables. The Women’s Guild sold out, once again, of all the offering they prepared, which included Armenian mezze, desserts and baked goods. Armenian wine for the event was provided by Krush! Armenian Wines.
Because of the rainy conditions, food and drink were served in Tutak Hall, where guests sat at tables and enjoyed live Armenian music performed by St. Gregory’s very own band, Hye Guys and Gal. Band members include Paul Dederian, Arsen Yelegian, Dan Bullock and Arpi Nakashian. Additional DJ services were provided by Betty Sagatelian Ortiz.
Children’s activities where held in a “Kids Zone” in HEK Hall. This year’s activities included a professionally set up 9-hole mini-golf course, corn-hole and ping pong competitions, face painting, cotton candy, popcorn and board games.
We also used our picnic as way to help raise funds for humanitarian relief for refugees forced from their homes in Artsakh. We collect over $7000 in donations at the picnic, which St. Gregory will forward to relief groups working with the refugees.
Picnic Co-Chairs Arek Ohanissian and Elizabeth Shaghalian Vranka were thankful for the support and guidance of past picnic chair Ann Daw and for the hard work of all the other volunteers that prepared food, organized the picnic, provided entertainment, set up Tutak and HEK Halls and worked at the event to make it a success.
We are especially thankful to all our sponsors, generous food, wine and raffle donors and to all who purchased raffle tickets. You greatly contributed to the success of the 2023 St. Gregory Picnic!
Click here to view the pictures.
St. Gregory Picnic SPONSORSHIPS—2023
Meredith Barton
Gary E. Bashian, P.C.
Gigi R. Bazarian
Arman & Maria Bedonian
Antranig Berberian – In Memory of Serpouhy Kalfayan Berberian
Chris & Adriane Keleshian Bonfiglio – In Honor of those who served before us & those who serve with us
Mark & Joanne Chitjian
Tom & Ann Giragosian Daw
Elizabeth & Mark Derderian – In Honor of Alice & Puzant Balaian and Rose & Aris Derderian
Miguel & Adrena Hernandez
Rosalind Hewsenian – In Memory of Margaret Hachadoorian Brophy
Fr. Mesrob & Yn. Ruzanna Hovsepyan and the family
Edna Keleshian – In Memory of Harry Keleshian
Dennis & Ellie Krolian
Raffi G. Kutnerian – In Memory of Louise Kutnerian
Arek, Barbara & Ella Ohanissian
Dr. Simon & Mrs. Annie Ovanessian and Family – In Memory of Dyramayr Seta K. Hovanessian
Richard & Dawn Papalian
Mandeep Johar & Valentina Poghosyan
Bonnie Proudian
Maria Elyse Rabar
Sylvia Sarkisian
Alisan Harte Shenberg – In Honor of Zaven Tachdjian
Larry & Elizabeth Vranka
Anita & John Wolohojian – In Memory of Aida Pisani
David Mangum Sports LLC
Westchester Tai Chi Center, Inc.
St. Gregory Cultural Committee – In Memory of Aida & Michael Pisani
St. Gregory Men’s Club – Donation toward “HYE Guys & Dolls” Band
St. Gregory Women’s Guild – Donation toward Children’s Activities
St. Gregory ACYOA Srs. – Donation toward Children’s Activities
St. Gregory Sunday School – Donation toward Children’s Activities
Please view the collaborative photo album here