Book Presentation and discussion with author Antonia Arslan and Siobhan Nash-Marshall of Silent Angel.

We welcomed author Antonia Arslan, and Professor Siobhan Nash-Marshall who presented and discussed Ms. Arslan’s newly published novella, Silent Angel. Arslan, a diminutive, charming and humble personality who is also the author of the best-selling The Skylark Farm and Road to Smyrna, commented, “I wrote this small book and it was also placed in Yerevan’s great Matenadaran Library of…


Senior Outreach Christmas Project

On Saturday, December 10, St. Gregory’s Outreach committee created 42 Christmas packages for our senior parishioners. Each Christmas tote bag was filled with homemade Armenian treats, jams, sweets, and a Christmas ornament. The team of amazing volunteers included bakers, shoppers, assemblers, and a delivery team. Der Mesrob led the team of Women’s Guild members, parish council members and parishioners…